We assist entrepreneurs launching their businesses in Canada to confidently navigate the digital communication landscape.
We offer advice and personalized support for social media, ensuring you’re on the right track!


Hi I’m Sophie! A Social Media Expert.
After diving into various audiences and digital strategies in North America for 5 years, I decided to start my own marketing agency to help out budding businesses in Canada with my skills.


Driven by a passion for social media strategy, photography, and content creation, we absolutely love brainstorming the unique idea that will make all the difference in propelling your business to success.


We’ve got a full range of services to level up your online game and make your brand stand out. Our social media strategy amps up your impact, and we’re all about whipping up engaging content – think images, videos, and blog posts – to really connect with your crowd. Plus, we’re all about giving your brand a killer visual identity that totally captures your vibe. And if that’s not enough, our photo and video skills bring that mix of creativity and pro vibes for a seriously memorable online presence.


A solid Social Media strategy helps you hit your business goals in a more targeted and trackable way.


Boost your brand awareness, keep your customers coming back, and draw in new ones.


Craft one-of-a-kind visual content that authentically reflects your brand’s identity and values.


When well-crafted, it will visually set your brand apart from the competition and enhance its market presence.

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